Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Valuable Life Lessons Pics

Valuable Life Lessons

Ive totaled my car, i've been in debt, i've even been expelled from school. All these events in my life even though they were the darkest of times they've impacted me the most and made me who I am today. They say you learn from your mistakes and i've made quite a few stupid mistakes if I must add. If I could go back i wouldn't, I see who I am today and i'm someone different. My priorities are different, and I approach obstacles differently than I did before. I feel bad for people who truly haven't experienced struggle, because through the hardest times in my life I've learned the most about myself. Our society praises being perfect, make no mistakes. People need to stop fearing being wrong or not doing something the right way, because your learning! Usually when someone has a bad experience or something doesn't go right they call it a learning experience. We are human beings, were not perfect and we will never be perfect, don't be so hesitant to try new things.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Work and Happiness

Most the time these two don't go hand in hand but if you can incorporate happiness into the workplace it can make things that much better. However the struggle is theres not enough jobs and we end up having to take jobs we dont want to resulting into unhappiness. Even though its claimed our generation is picky about going into the job force theres still a lot of graduates working jobs outside their field. As we discussed in class, we might seem picky because YOUR generation told us we can become "whatever we want" our whole entire life.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

fave five

Its almost always business before pleasure for me, but i like to treat myself well. Typically im always trying to surround myself with funny people trying my best to have the best time i can. I treat myself by buying myself clothes, going out playing basketball all day, or taking myself fishing.
This is Oracle Arena, the stadium where the warriors play. Home of the loudest craziest fans in the NBA.
This one of my favorite places in the world, i always feel like im coming home start recognizing faces, smells, just makes me feel some type of way. Also because im a die hard warriors fan.

This is Lake Beryessa, where ive spent plenty of hours alone fishing, relaxing, just kind of escaping everything. I typically do everything with my friends but alot of the time i find myself heading out to the lake by myself. The quietness of the lake just mesmerizes me

 Although I find this place boring most the time, I can never forget where im from. The Napa Valley. Not alot to do but waking up every morning and seeing what I see I am truly blessed. People come from all over the world to see this place so I always keep that in my mind when I tell myself how boring this place is.

This is Glass Beach in Fort Bragg California. The beach itself isnt that important I just thought it was a cool pic but the town of Fort Bragg is very meaningful to me because its where we hold our family reunions every year. Quality family time at the beach, tide pools, and fishing and abalone diving with my dad.\

A shot from the winery i worked at last year, Trinchero Napa Valley. I chose this because over the years ive spent alot of hours in the tank room working and learning. Ive decided i want to pursue a career in the wine industry so im going to be seeing these tanks a lot and i am ready for the challenge!

Friday, October 25, 2013

The Bay

The Bay

The bay stands still
Salmon darting beneath the bays surface, so brittle
The bay is like glass, not a single ripple
The bay is anything but basic
But simply amazing

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Extra Credit

Favorite Word: Would probably have to be win. After thinking about it, I don't use this word as much as I do others but saying I Win or Won is a good feeling. I've always been a competitive person to my roots so it definitely suits me.
I've never really had a big interest in reading a lot of literature while growing up, I did a fair share of reading but the works of Jack London have always just been very entertaining. The wilderness themed stories were awesome in itself but his way of writing, way of elaborating on the surroundings kept an image in my head all the time. The First Jack London piece I read was White Fang, than from there I started to read more of his short stories.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Th Giver 5 Looks

The Giver- 5 Looks


I chose these 5 words because although they are different they all revolve around the concept that the truth hurts.

I chose censorship because as its obvious the whole community in which Jonah lives at is unaware of the "real world" because they are censored  from that information.

Truth is probably one of the most important words for this novel, the giver explains to Jonah what happened when memories were revealed or the "truth" people went insane so its right to say that the truth hurts.

Pain is a word that is used a lot in the books especially from the Giver, Pain is something that the community does not experience much of because the truth is hidden.

Perfect also comes to my mind in this society since that's what they strive for by keeping censorship but well see how that plays out.

Knowledge the Giver being the most knowledgeable also makes him the most powerful. What ive seen through this book that knowledge is power, it can be used either way right or wrong.