Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Valuable Life Lessons Pics

Valuable Life Lessons

Ive totaled my car, i've been in debt, i've even been expelled from school. All these events in my life even though they were the darkest of times they've impacted me the most and made me who I am today. They say you learn from your mistakes and i've made quite a few stupid mistakes if I must add. If I could go back i wouldn't, I see who I am today and i'm someone different. My priorities are different, and I approach obstacles differently than I did before. I feel bad for people who truly haven't experienced struggle, because through the hardest times in my life I've learned the most about myself. Our society praises being perfect, make no mistakes. People need to stop fearing being wrong or not doing something the right way, because your learning! Usually when someone has a bad experience or something doesn't go right they call it a learning experience. We are human beings, were not perfect and we will never be perfect, don't be so hesitant to try new things.